This page presents the list of words in the text of Bhagavadgita in Devanagari Script. The list of words exceeding 5000 is arranged in the akshara order for
Sanskrit. The section within the chapter where the word occurs is
indicated along with each word.
When this page was first set up, The special approach to displaying
Devanagari text did not permit providing links to specific slokas. For
the present only the sections are indicated. The page on "Browse the
text of Gita" will allow you to reach out to the linked text. Current
text processing technologies may provide direct links in future
versions of the list.
The list for each akshara is displayed as an image, to allow direct viewing on most Browsers.
The contents being an image, it may take a
while to download the page.
Bhagavadgita Wordlist - da
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